refridgerated transportation, temperature controlled transport



How Does Refrigeration Prevent Food Spoilage

January 16, 2022

Refrigeration and low temperatures slow down microbial and enzymatic activity. This happens because most species of bacteria and other microorganisms only thrive within an optimal temperature range. Outside of that “comfortable” temperature range, microbes cannot grow and reproduce as well as they could be.

Human health and food spoilage

Each year, it’s estimated that more than 4 million Australians are getting affected by foodborne illnesses. It’s been a result of consuming contaminated food and drink, which could have been caused by improper food handling, transport and storage.

The food supply chain is long and complex. Many of the meat, dairy and other food products and ingredients come from several kilometres away and most likely they took a few hours or several days before they reached our tables. In that time and perhaps in one or few of the steps in the supply chain, food contamination happened or that the products were put into temperatures that are “comfort zones” for bacteria and other pathogens.

Salmonella, Listeria, E.coli, Clostridium perfringens and other pathogens can rapidly proliferate in contaminated surfaces and a comfortable temperature range. Although high standards in hygiene and sanitation are a must, it also helps to store food products in low or even freezing temperatures (especially for long hours or several days and weeks of transport and storage).

Why refrigerated transport is crucial

Transport is another form of storage. In the several hours or days of transport, food products are actually being stored inside a container or a vehicle. It’s crucial that low temperatures are maintained throughout the transport time to slow down microbial and enzymatic growth.

That’s what we do here at Cooltrans where we ensure tight temperature control in food transport. We get this done by regularly inspecting and maintaining our refrigeration equipment and vehicle. We also perform routine checks to ensure that the desired temperature really shows in the readings.

For your refrigerated transport requirements, you can contact us today. We’ll take care of it whether it’s a single-carton delivery or a pallet load (we also handle one-time assignments and a year’s contract of delivery).